I’m still learning “Maximizing audiences for your ppc campaigns” this week. The lessons I’ve learnt for this Week:

  • Intent-based audiences for remarketing
  • Utilizing Audiences in the search network
  • Building a funnel with audiences
  • Leveraging your audience across channels

Intent-based audiences for remarketing

Lesson Objective: 1) Learn why focusing on user intent is important for remarketing 2) Learn how you can get a better understanding of what users are doing on your website 3) Learn how to create intent-based remarketing audiences. 4) Where to go to find new ideas of audiences to create 5) Learn new marketing strategies on how to implement intent-based audiences.

Do page visits always equal intent? No!

What actions can user take on your current landing page?

Intent-based remarketing.Focusing on actions. Not pages. Can you think of a few ways you can change your ad messages to speak to actions users may take on your site?

What actions on your website do you feel are not helpful to your goals?

Creating Audience from Events in Google analytics

Check Events: Behavior → Events → Overview

Create Audiences: Admin → Property Column Audience Definition → Audiences → New Audiences → Advanced-Conditions

Utilizing Audiences in the search network

Lesson Obejectives: 1) Learn the types of audiences we can use in search advertising 2)Learn the targeting options advertisers have with search ads 3)How to utilize audiences to create customized ads 4) How to use audiences to expand your efforts for search advertising

Remarketing isn’t just for Display Network, we can utilize it within Search, in both Google and Bing ads we have RLSA, this is the remarketing lists for search ads, create new campaign or ad groups to target only previous visitors.

Audience Options for Search

  • remarketing
  • Customer match
  • In-market
  • Similar

Observation audiences (formerly Bid-only audiences), when we add an audience to a campaign or ad group, we’re just adding a bid adjustment to it, so if we leave that bid adjustment as 0%, we’re not changing the CPCs whatsoever, we just want to observe how that audience performs based on whatever metrics we have in the columns.

Add as many observations audiences to you campaigns as you can, there is no downside, try to test out some of those similar audiences, the purpurse is to collect information.

I learnt how to use IF function to alter the Ads texts based on devices or audiences.

When should I use the Targetting setting for my audiences?

Budgets are controlled at the campaign level, If we’re doing it from an ad group, from an observation level, we can’t fully control the budget, we can try it with bids, different bid adjustments.

Use Targeting audiences to expand keyword selection in Search

If we have a lot of ad groups or campaigns in a niche industry, we can see some very long-tail search queries. And we have the recommendations from Google. Dynamic search ads can help find new search terms too.

Make sure exclude all the active keyword targets from DSA. If function can be used in the Description for DSAs too.

Building a funnel with audiences

We can’t make people search more by search targeting, we’ve got to be able to do some other stuff. We can use funnel to increase conversions.

Campaign structure is imperative for funnels. Without proper campaign structure, we’ll be targeting the same person repeatedly with the same messaging. So ad sets are ideally only one audience at a time.

Through it’s demo of funnel building, I learnt how to map the audience we created into actual campaigns that will allow us to leverage them and create the funnel.

We try to make out funnel work a little bit more like a cylinder, the wider you can get the bottom of the funnel, the better off we’re going to be, that means we’re bringing more people from the awareness to the conversion stage.

The funnel is not always linear, always think to bring back users who fall out of the funnel, the idea of give the user a number of different ways to come back in, since they have gotten to a point where they’are just not quite converting yet. We have to work on different content pieces, different offerings, different messaging to bring them back in the funnel. And as soon as they convert on one of those, they move themselves down to the next stage of the funnel.

Take some time and map out all the different calls to actions that we have and where they fit into the funnel.

There is another situation that someone converts, but refuses to move further. Here is a concept “Lead scoring” that mearsure the user engagement, if the lead scoring reaches a certain point ruled by marketers, we can conclude this is a qualified user to be allowed into the next stage of the funnel. The problem is how to get additional points of lead scoring?

Leveraging your audience across channels

It’s important to remember that audiences need to be translated from one platform to the other beflore you start to leverage the insights that we’ve gained from any of them.

From the demo, I learnt how to add Linkedin data to Facebook, how to use a couple of different ad accounts to be able to achieve a common goal.

Cross Channel Examples:

  • Search + Social, for example: Target CEOs in search
  • Layer into existing campaigns
  • Creare a DSA Campaign to capture all searches

